Star Wars: The High Republic Gives Us The Jedi We Need

Star Wars: The High Republic puts a woman of color front and center as the hero of this new saga

T.W. Conklin
3 min readFeb 17, 2021

Star Wars’ newest series, The High Republic, will follow the story of the freshly anointed Jedi knight, Keeve Trennis. The January issue of Star Wars: The High Republic introduces fans to the young, smart, foul-mouthed Trennis, who is also a woman of color that is trying to succeed as she struggles to bring balance to the Outer Rim.

Keeve Trennis isn’t the first Jedi knight that was also a woman of color. That honor goes to Cere Junda who first appeared in the 2019 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order video game. Junda was played by Mad TV alumni, Debra Wilson. Junda trained and was an ally to Cal Kestis, who was the main character of the story. Junda also had her own comic book miniseries which gave some insight into her younger years.

The significance of Keeve Trennis being a woman of color in The High Republic is that she is the main character moving this saga forward. There are plenty of examples of men of color being memorable characters such as Mace Windu, Lando Calrissian, Bail Organa and most notably Din Djarin. Pablo Pascal’s portrayal of Djarin in the Disney Plus series The Mandalorian has been a crowning achievement of representation in the Star Wars universe.

Star Wars: The High Republic is written by Cavan Scott and Ario Anindito and will follow the adventures of Keeve Trennis while she is on the space station Starlight Beacon. We immediately see from the first few panels that Trennis’ self doubt and penchant for cursing are going to get her into heaps of trouble but her compassion for all life makes Trennis one of the most relatable characters we have seen in the Star Wars universe in a very long time.

The biggest obstacle that Keeve Trennis will have to overcome, which has been the same for many Jedi, is her fear. As she approaches a Jedi trial, Trennis is constantly trying to suppress the fear within her as Trandoshan Master Sskeer tells her to focus. Some have even speculated that Trennis will possibly fall to the dark side as a result of not mastering her emotions and being exposed to a powerful dark side foe. This exposure to evil could have her character possibly appear in the upcoming Disney Plus series Acolyte, which may feature a character from The High Republic.

One can only wonder if Keeve Trennis is the response to John Boyega’s claim that Disney had misrepresented his character in the commercials for The Force Awakens and that they had no real agenda for Finn’s growth. If Trennis is Disney’s answer to diversity in the world of the Force, I look forward to the future of Star Wars.



T.W. Conklin
T.W. Conklin

Written by T.W. Conklin

A comic book loving Brooklyn native

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